

Ten Men From University to Go to France to Aid in Rebuilding Devastated Regions--Nine to Sail for France With Main Unit

Nine members of the University will accompany the American Students' Reconstruction Unit to France when that organization sails Thursday from New York to Havre on "The City of Paris". These men are P. L. Cheney '21, C. B. Crockett 3E.S., John Fiske '21, C. P. Fordyce '23, R. J. Giddings 2S.L.A., Francis Head 2S.L.A., S. R. McCandless 1S.A. R. A. Morse '21, and R. B. Metcalf '22. A tenth University man, G. W. Blow 2G.B., sailed a short time ago and will join the Unit in Paris. On account of the lack of funds six other University students who had been chosen tentatively to make the trip were not included in the final selection.

On arrival in France the Reconstruction Unit, which is composed of more than fifty students from various American colleges, will start a three-months' program in that part of the devastated regions lying between Rheims and Verdun, and will return to this country about the middle of September. The principal work of the Unit will be to make projects and drawings for the restoration of buildings, to help the surveyors in relocating property lines and laying out new villages, and to help in the alteration, improvement, and rectification of town plans. Similar to the scheme adopted last summer by the University Unit, this year's organization will be divided into various groups, each of which will be assigned to a certain district.

The only member of the University delegation to the Unit with any previous experience in reconstruction work is R. J. Giddings 2S.L.A., the chairman of the University section. Giddings accompanied last summer's Unit and worked at Clermont-en-Argonne. Here he assisted in the making of a survey and large scale plan of the town showing the condition of each building and ruin.
