RED TOP, CONN., June 20.--The final few days' work of preparation for the races began today with all crews upto the mark in form and drive, and rowing in better style than ever before in the present season. The men have come out of the slight staleness which was apparent last week and which was a natural result of their hard monotonous routine of work they have been put through since reaching New London; a new dash and vigor is apparent in their work now, brought about by the change from conditioning practice to the final tuning up and finishing off.
The first University crew was out this morning for a four mile paddle and this afternoon for six miles, with fast work for only about one mile of the workout. Coach Haines devoted his attention to touching up the fine points and the men responded very well. The Junior crew got lighter work than the first today, and seem to thrive on the new program. H. R. Atkinson '21 is out of the crew with an injury, but S. A. Duncan '22 is filling his place at bow in good shape, and the form of the eight is not materially affected. L. B. LaFarge '22 has taken Duncan's place in the combination shell.
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