

Will Row in It Against Yale--Given Hard Workout Over Long Course in Preparation for New London Race

The new Sims shell, which will be used by the University in its race against Yale this year, was tried out for the first time yesterday when Coach Haines took his men down to the Basin and, in preparation for the four-mile race, kept them at high speed for a longer distance than usual. The newness of the boat troubled some of the oarsmen, but on the whole the appearance of the eight in the shell was satisfactory. For the remaining days of the week Coach Haines plans to continue long rows at a high stroke intended to develop the men for the long race; he will limit competition to brushes with the second University crew.

The Freshman eight practiced early yesterday afternoon, for the first time since its victorious race against Cornell. The yearlings were given rather a light workout.

The Second Freshman crew is still in training and rowing daily; four men are to be picked from this eight as substitutes for Red Top; they will row with the four University substitutes in a combination eight.
