

Contributors to Her Radium Fund Will Meet in Sanders Theatre Monday Afternoon--President Lowell to Preside--Professor Richards to Be Speaker

Professors of chemistry and physics and radium specialists at the University and other neighboring institutions, contributors to the Curie radium fund, and the heads of Radcliffe, Wellesley, Simmons and other colleges, will take part in a meeting of welcome to Madame Curie to be held next Monday afternoon, June 20, at 4 o'clock, at Sanders Theatre in Cambridge.

The arrangements for the meeting are still tentative owing to the uncertainty of Madame Curie's plans and to her physical condition, but it is hoped that she will be able to say a few words. President Lowell will preside and Professor Theodore W. Richards '86 of the Chemistry Department will speak.

The meeting will be under the auspices of a committee consisting of Professor William Duane '93 of the University, who worked for many years with Mme. Curie at her laboratory in Paris and is noted for his discoveries in the application of X-rays to the treatment of cancer; Professor Theodore Lyman '97, head of the physics department; Dr. Harvey W. Cushing '95 of the Medical School; Dr. Robert B. Greenough '92, head of the Huntington Memorial Hospital for the treatment of cancer; Professor Richards, Dr. J. Collins Warren, and Mr. William Endicott '87. The committee is being assisted in the active arrangements by the Women's Radium Fund Committee.

Tickets have been sent to the contributors to the radium fund and to various college officials and professors in the Boston district, and seats will be reserved for the holders of these tickets until ten minutes berore the opening of the meeting, when the doors will be opened to the public. The committee asks any persons who contributed to the radium fund and have not received tickets to write Professor Percy W. Bridgman, 10 Buckingham Place, Cambridge 38, enclosing a stamped envelope.
