Beside the men who will have secured rooms in the Freshman dormitories it is reported that upwards of two hundred new students will arrive in Cambridge next September. Most of these, men, having no place to sleep and totally ignorant of conditions here will come from one to two weeks before the opening of college. Fortunately for these new arrivals, the Phillips Brooks House Information Bureau will be in operation to help them straighten out the chaos that Cambridge presents to them. This bureau, however, will be swamped to the point of ineffectiveness unless more than a few undergraduates are willing to sacrifice a small portion of their vacation to serve at the desk in Phillips Brooks House.
"Telling the Freshmen where to go" may not perhaps seem a particularly pleasant way of ending one's vacation. But for men living in the vicinity of Cambridge giving a few hours a week will not be a great hardship: It will be an opportunity for real service.
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