
Loan Library Calls for Books

All students in the University who have made use of the Phillips Brooks House Book Loan Library this year to procure their books, are reminded that all borrowed volumes should be returned as soon as possible. For each book, the amount deposited less the five cent rental will be refunded. Books should be returned to the office of the Brooks House, which is open from 9 to 1 and from 2 to 4.30 o'clock daily.

More than 1100 volumes have been distributed this year by the Loan Library and in order that the work may be extended still further next year students who have books with which they have finished are requested to donate them to the Library. So far, contributions have been very encouraging, and if the present rate of receipts keeps up, the work will have a much wider scope next year. Books pertaining to History, Government, Economics, Physics and Chemistry are especially in demand.
