RED TOP, June 14.--Today was marked by excellent work on the part of all the crews. The first University crew went over the four-mile course paddling with the stroke never above thirty except for the final spurt. About every half-mile the stroke was alternated, being kept down to twenty-six for the first half-mile, then being raised to twenty-nine and so on. The crew was paced for the entire distance by the Crimson seconds, who kept even with the first boat, with a stroke about two points higher. The weather conditions were rather unfavorable, for although there was a following wind and tide, the water,-especially the last two miles, was very rough. The time for the four miles was 20 minutes 25 seconds, quite creditable in view of the fact that the stroke, essentially a paddle, was never high. In the last quarter-mile the crews were brought even by lowering the University's stroke, then were told to spurt. The first crew put its stroke up to 34, and finished a length and a half ahead.
In the row both crews showed good finish, and an improved leg drive. Coach Haines again emphasized drawing away from the other crew without rushing strokes or hurrying recovery. Especially noticeable was the fact that both boats had plenty of power when it was needed.
The Freshmen were paced over the two-mile course by the combination eight, covering the distance in 10 minutes 6 seconds, rowing under the same conditions as the University, except that both crews raced instead of paddling. The combination started with a lead of three lengths, but was two lengths behind at the end of the race.
The Yale freshmen made a remarkable record this morning. The boat covered the two-mile course in 9 minutes 55 seconds, making the best time of the year. They were paced by the Eli second crew, who took only ten seconds more
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L. B. McCagg Reelected Crew-Captain