

Finals to Be Held in Courses Offered by Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Engineering School--All Will Be Three Hours in Length

Final examinations will be held today and tomorrow in the following courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Engineering School. All will be three hours in length. Examinations Today 9.15 A. M. Chemistry 7  Sever 36 Comp. Literature 10  Sever 6 Comp. Literature 22  Sever 35 Economics 32  Sever 18 English 14  Sever 5 Fine Arts 5a  Robinson Hall French 1 sect. 3  Sever 23 sect. 4  Sever 24 sect. 5  Sever 29 French 10  Sever 30 Government 16  Harvard 3 Government 17  Harvard 6 Greek G  Sever 17 Greek 10  Harvard 5 Latin B III  Sever 18 Mathematics 17b  Sever 17 Music 4b hf.  Sever 6 Philosophy 9c  Emerson J Physics C  New Lect.-Hall Physics 3b  Sever 36 Psychology 16  Emerson J Slavic 1b  Sever 23 Examinations Tomorrow French 2 Prof. Whittem's sect. 1  Emerson A Mr. Brooks's sect. 2  Emerson F Mr. Gifford's sects. 3, 10  Emerson D Mr. Ellis's sects. 5, 9  Emerson D Mr. Hanson's sect. 6  Emerson J Mr. Raiche's sect. 8  Emerson J Mr. Hornicek's sect. 11  Sever 29 Mr. Hutchings's sect. 4  Sever 35 Mr. Hutchings's sect. 7  Sever 36 Mr. Hutchings's sect. 12  Sever 30 French 25  Sever 30 Geology 18b  Harvard 5 History 41  Harvard 6 Zoology 7b  Sever 29
