RED TOP, June 13, 1921.--Twelve miles of hard rowing was the program for the University eight today, with little speed work. Coach Haines gave his men especial practice in drawing away from other crews without hurrying the recovery or rushing the slides for he considers this a very important phase and necessary for the race. In the morning both crews were sent down the river for a two-mile paddle. On the return Crew "A" held to a stroke just above 30 and the second boat rowed two or three points higher, but just holding even with the first eight.
In the afternoon both "A" and "B" paddled four miles down to the bridge with occasional spurts. The first boat showed up very well in this workout, drawing away from the seconds at will without changing their style or hurrying the recovery. Coach Haines directed both eights in this practice, emphasizing the fundamentals and later had them practice racing starts.
The Freshmen and combination eights had easy work except for a short spurt in the morning. They were drilled in individual work with men rowing in pairs. In the last half-mile of the morning practice, these two eights were raced, the yearlings holding a lower stroke and winning by a large margin. In the afternoon the 1924 and combination boats took a five-mile row at about 26. Special coaching was given to the leg drive and pull through.
As soon as the weather permits, a two-mile race will be held for the first two University boats and the Freshman eight.
Coach Corderry today began work trying to change the Yale type of stroke as taught by Nickalls and gave instructions for less power to be applied on the catch and more on the finish.
Hammon, who rowed four on the 1924 Blue crew, has been declared ineligible and Sheffield has been moved from three to four, Smith substituting for Sheffield.
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L. B. McCagg Reelected Crew-Captain