

Business, News and Photographic Departments of Crimson to Hold Three Competitions--Editorial Board Has Only Two

In order to give prospective candidates ample opportunity to plan their work for next year, the CRIMSON has announced its 1921-1922 schedule of competitions for the Business, News, Photographic and Editorial Departments. The Editorial board will hold only two competitions during the year, but the other three departments will hold three, none more than twelve weeks in length. In all cases the dates given below for the close of the competitions are only approximate.

The first business competition, open only to Sophomore (members of the class of 1924), will start Monday, September 26, the day on which College opens. This competition will end Thursday, December 21, two days before the Christmas vacation. The second business competition, likewise open only to Sophomores, will be from Thursday, December 1, until Thursday, March 16. The third competition, open to both Sophomores and Freshmen, will start Wednesday, March 1, and will end Wednesday, May 31. A fourth competition, open only to Freshmen, will begin Monday, May 1, and will not close until October 15 of the following fall. The present competition will end on the same date this fall.

Eligible to Business Managership

The business competitions will consist mainly of soliciting advertisements and subscriptions, together with a small amount of clerical work. In these competitions men gain not only a broad and practical experience in newspaper business and advertising, but also have the opportunity to become acquainted with the leading concerns in Boston and vicinity. Candidates who are elected to the board will be eligible for the position of assistant business manager in their Junior, and business manager in their Senior year.

The News and Photographic Departments will start in their first competition, open only to Sophomores, Thursday, September 30. This competition will last until Wednesday, December 21. The second competition, open to both Sophomores and Freshmen, will overlap the first, and will be from Wednesday, December 14, until Thursday, March 16. The third and last competition of the year, also open to both 1924 and 1925 men, will begin Tuesday, March 7, and will close Wednesday, May 31.


Previous Training Not Needed

The candidates for the News Department will be expected to gather and write up in suitable form all news pertaining to the University. These competitions present a great opportunity for men to build up a wide and intimate knowledge of all college activities. No previous journalistic training on preparatory or high school publications is necessary.

In the photographic competition election is based on the number of pictures published in the fortnightly pictorial supplement and on the work done in the dark room. Men must supply their own cameras, but complete developing and printing equipment is available for use in the Crimson Building.

Only Juniors will be eligible to compete for the editorial end. This department will hold two competitions: the first from Thursday, September 30, until Friday, January 6; the second from approximately Monday, February 13, immediately after the mid-year examinations, until Monday, May S. A. feature of the work will be frequent editorial conferences with prominent Boston newspaper men.
