
That Yale Appetite!


Commens once more is to open its capacious doors to the hungry hundreds who seek a central, economical, and appetizing place to eat three meals a day. Commons fills admirably the first two of these requirements: it is central and is--or always has been economical. Therefore it must stand or fall next October on its appetizing qualities.

It is fortunate that attendance at Commons for any portion of the undergraduate body has not been compulsory. The food question is entirely too important to rest in the hands of a caterer who is sure of every man for every meal. Our eating joint, like the poor, we have always with us. If the meals are not satisfactory the collective disposition of the undergraduates is bound to develop raw edges. Under the plan for next year, however, the food must be good or Commons will be peopled by cooks and walters only. In other words it must be appetizing. --Yale News
