


A celebration of the victory of the United States Marines at Belleau Wood, France, in June, 1918, will be held on Saturday, June 18, in the Stadium, under the auspices of the Massachusetts Marine Corps Association. The entire proceeds of the celebration is to go into a fund with which a Memorial Building is to be built in Boston in honor of the Marines who died during the war.

Combined with the pageant will be the annual track and field championships of the New England Amateur Athletic Union. Nine events are to be held, and winners of these will be sent to the coast for the National A. A. U. championships which are to be held there during July. The list of events is as follows: 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard dash, 880-yard run, mile run, five-mile run, 120-yard high rurdles, weight-throw, and hop, step, and jump. A number of University runners, both undergraduates and graduates, are entered in the meet. The list of entries includes E. O. Gourdin '21 in the 100-yard dash and the hop, step, and jump; J. W. Burke Unc. in the half-mile and mile runs; D. F. O'Connell Jr. '21 in the mile; and J. R. Tolbert '22 in the weight event. The cups which will be awarded to the winners of the various events will be named for members of the Marine Corps who died at Belleau Wood.

The celebration will be preceeded by a parade at 10 o'clock in the morning in Boston. A large number of patriotic and military organizations will be in line in the parade, and will also take part in the pageant in the afternoon. The various tableaux of the pageant will be held between the events of the track meet. The scenes and features which are to be presented will be symbolic of the various countries where the Marines have done duty, and of the work of the Marine Corps. It is expected that the pageant will be one of the most spectacular ever held around Boston. During the events in the Stadium a number of airplanes will fly over Soldiers Field and give an aerial exhibition.

Tickets are now on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's.
