

Exams in Courses Offered by Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Engineering School Start Tomorrow at 9

Final examinations in the courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will commence tomorrow. All examinations begin at 9.15 A. M. except such as are announced for P. M., and are three hours in length. Examination Tomorrow Anthropology 2  Peabody Mus. Astronomy 2b  Astron. Lab. Chemistry 23  Emerson F Class Archaeology 1b  Sever 18 Class Philology 26  Sever 18 Comp. Literature 35  Sever 18 Economics A. Prof. Burbank's sect. AA  Harvard 3 Mr. Shortliffe's Seets, B, F, J, N  Zool. Lect.-rm. Mr. Meriam's sect. C, O, R,  New Lect-Hall Mr. Kahn's sect. D. G, L. P  New Lect-Hall Mr.Masson's sect. E, H, M, Q  Emerson D Dr. Tucker;s sect. l, K, s  New Lect.-Hall Mr. Siberling's sect. T  Sever 5 Mr. Silberling's sect, U  Sever 6 Economics 4b Adam to Curry (incl.)  Sever 29 Dana to Hall (incl.)  Sever 30 Harrington to Jerauld (incl.)  Sever 31 Kane to Root (incl.)  Sever 35 Schesswehi to Zutt (incl.)  Sever 36 Fine Arts 2b  Fogg small rm. French 1 sect. 1  Emerson J

sect. 2  Emerson JFrench 13  Sever 18German 8  Sever 18Government 4  Sever 23Greek B II  Sever 18History 7  Fogg Lect.-rm.History 14  Harvard 6History 57  Harvard 5Italian 10  Emersen FMathematics A III  Sever 17Mathematics C 2aAnsbacher to Grosser (incl.)  Sever 20Hamilton to Wintringham (incl.)  Sever 24Mathematics 3  HoldenMathematics 33  HoldenMineralogy 12  Mineral Lab.Music 5  Harvard 3Philosophy 3a  Emerson DPhysics 5  Emerson JPsychology 23  Emerson ASpanish 8  Sever 112 P. M.Chemistry 8Adelman to Littell (incl.) Emerson DMcElroy to Woolpert (incl.) Emerson JEnglish 41  New Lect. HallEngineering SchoolEngineering 95  Pierce 304Engineering 200  Pierce 304Engineering 220  Pierce 30
