Notwithstanding the inclement weather, over two thousand spectators saw the rejuvenated University track team over-whelm the M. I. T. team Saturday afternoon in the Stadium by the score of 69-48. As was predicted before the meet, the team with the superior balance two, and the Crimson team, placing in every event, and getting a first or a second in all except two, showed that it had his balance. For the last few years, the University's troubles in track have been due to the fact that the team has not been well rounded out, and it was to remedy this situation that Mr. Bingham was secured to coach the team this season. Certainly Saturday's meet showed that this difficulty has been at least partially solved, and it can be said that the prospects for beating Yale are brighter this spring than they have been for the last few years.
The feature of the meet was the work of E. O. Gourdin '21, and C. G. Krogness '21 and R. W. Fitts '23. These three men together scored 39 of the University's 69 points, Gourdin alone getting 18 of them. Gourdin had things all his own way in both dashes, winning his heat and the final of the 100-yard dash in 10 seconds flat, with a lead of several feet over his nearest competitor both times. In the trial heat of the 220, he held himself in, barely leading Downey of Tech across the tape, but in the final he cut loose and finished five years ahead of Howlett and Poolo, who got second and third.
Jumps 23 Feet 11 7-8 Inches
Between the heats of the dashes Gourdin hopped back and forth between the broad-jumping pit and the hot-put ring. jumping toward a mark which was set at 23 1-2 feet, he cleared it by several inches, winning the event and establishing a new University record of 23 feet 11 7-8 inches. Meanwhile he got second place in the shot-put with a heave of 39 feet 4 inches, beating Dandrow, Tech's weight star, by three-quarters of a foot.
The work of Krogness in the jumps and hurdles was very encouraging. He has been unable to compete for the last year and a half, and so was in poor form when joining the squad this spring; but he has improved rapidly, as his performance Saturday shows. He won the 120-yard high-hurdles in 15 4-5 seconds, which is good time, considering the poor weather. The University scored a clean sweep in this event, R. S. Whitney '22 crossing the line only a few inches behind Krogness, and C. R. Haulers taking third with a comfortable lead over Mills, the leading Tech runner.
Krogness also did fine work in the field events. In the broad-jump he did better than was expected, getting second with 21 feet 3 1-2 inches, and in the high-jump he and Fitts tied for first at 5 feet 9 1-4 inches. Both men could have gone higher if necessary, but thought it better to conserve their strength for the other events. Fitts won the 220-yard low hurdles in 22 2-5 seconds, barely beating Chittick, Tech's sprinter-hurdler, at the tape, while Whitney came in a close third.
Crimson Strong in Field Events
Although the University's strength was massed in the field events, scoring 31 points here to Tech's 14, the performance of the Crimson runners in the track events was very gratifying, and they would have won the meet by four points had the result depended upon these alone. Only in the quarter-mile did they fall to score either a first or a second. Bayard Wharton and Spitz got the jump on the other runners in this event, and raced neck and neck down the first straight-away several yards ahead of the rest. Wharton slowed up a bit on the turn, however, allowing Spitz to take the lead. On the home stretch Bardes began to creep away from the rest, and, fighting all the way, finally overhauled and passed Wharton a few yards from the tape, and finishing shoulder to shoulder with Spitz. Not more than a foot separated the three men as they crossed the line.
Captain O'Connell of the University and Captain MacMahon of Tech had no one to dispute their winning of the mile and two-mile races, but some excitement was furnished by the race for second place in the longer event. MacMahon led all the way here, with Hendric of M. I. T., C. E. Reycroft '21 and H. M. Mahon '22 following him at some distance in that order, until the last lap. Here Reycroft dropped behind, after having run a fine race, and Mahon and Hendrle started to fight for the second place. It was a struggle all the way, and Mahon did not pass him until about twenty yards from the finish.
Half-Mile Close
The half-mile race also furnished some thrills in the way of a fighting finish. W. C. Bennett '23 led for the first half of the distance, but here the pace became too fast and he dropped behind, Bawden to Tech taking the lead and carrying along A. J. Fox '21 with him. It was a struggle all the way down the home stretch; but Fox weakened toward the end and barely led H. F. Colt '22 across the line.
The summary:
100-Yard Dash.--First Heat.--Won by Vinton Chapin '23 (H.); second, A. S. King (T.); third, R. D. Howard '23 (H.). Time, 10 2-5 seconds.
Second Heat.--Won by E. O. Gourdin '21 (H.); second, F. A. Howlett (T.); third, T. W. Bossert (T.). Time 10 Seconds.
Final Heat.--Won by E. O. Gourdin '21 (H.); seconds, F. A. Howlett (T.); third, T. W. Bossert (T.). Time 10 seconds.
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