

To Establish Permanent Home in Paris, Where Work Undertaken For American College Men During Wartime Will Be Continued

The American University Union in Europe which was established during the war to aid college men in the United States Army and Navy as well as those engaged in other activities in England, France and Italy, has now been organized upon a peace basis. The first work of the organization will be to establish a permanent home in Paris, where it may continue the work that made it so valuable during the war. The Board of Trustees has inaugurated a campaign to secure a donor or a group of them, for the building. In addition to this, an endowment fund is being raised to supplement the income from the membership fees paid by American universities and colleges for the maintenance of the general work of the union.

Several Sites Offered.

The Municipal Council of Paris has offered the Union its choice of several sites for the proposed building, which will be known as the "Maison Des Etudiants," with the provision that the Union raise the funds necessary for the erection of the home. A situation in the midst of the chief educational institutions of Paris has been picked by the Union committee on which the new headquarters will be built.

The purpose of the Union reorganized to meet the needs of students in times of peace, as outlined by the board of trustees, is to "serve as a bond between the Universities of the United States and those of European nations, especially by encouraging the attendance and advancing the welfare of American students at the Universities of France, Great Britain and Italy, in such ways as the trustees may see fit."

American to be Director.


An American secretary and director who will be a regular resident of Paris will be in charge of the Union. Information will be accessible concerning the opportunities and requirements for study not merely in Paris, but in French provincial universities and other European institutions. Rooms will be available in the home for visiting men who are seeking lodging in Paris, but a limit of ten days will be placed upon their occupancy, which is considered lone enough to enable a man to find living quarters. Records of available rooms and apartments will also be kept by the university for the convenience of visitors.
