Undergraduate who wish to take any one of these examination should apply in writing on a blank provided for the purpose at the Recorder's Office, 4 University Hall, on or before Friday, May 13. The oral examination in either French to German will begin on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 17, and each candidate will be notified when and where to present himself. The written one-hour examinations in either French or German to test the student's elementary knowledge or his reading knowledge of these languages are to be held as follows: French: Tuesday, May 17, at 5 P. M. in Emerson D. German; Wednesday, May 18. at 5 P. M. in Emerson D.
Upper Classmen in Harvard College who wish to avail themselves of the new requirements in French and German to remove the prescription of French A or German A, should, personally, consult the Recorder at 4 University Hall not later than Friday, May 13. All students who wish to take any of these examinations should read carefully the requirements concerning them in Rule 19 of the Regulations.
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