

Two-Days Meeting of Board of Overseers to Be Held to May 9-10--Extensive Program Planned

The following program has been arranged for a Stated and Special Two Days's Meeting of the Board of Overseers of Harvard College, to be held on Monday and Tuesday, May 9 and 10;

Monday, May 9, 9.15 A. M.--Stated Meeting of the Board in University Hall.

11.00 A. M.--(Or when the business of the meeting is disposed of). The attention of the Board will be called to the new principles adopted at the University for Education in the Humanities; explanations being given by President Lowell and Professors Wilson, Merriman, Edgell, Lowes, Burbank and others. This subject will cover the history of the elective system, its expansion and limitations in the last half-century; the General Examination as a means of fixing the aim, and measuring the result, of the students' education; the work of the Tutor; the plans for required reading in Literature; and the effect of the examination on the attitude of the student.

1.00 P. M.--Luncheon at the Harvard Union.

2.00 P. M.--New Principles of Education (continued).


Tuesday, May 10.

10.00 A. M.--Adjourned meeting of the Board at University Hall, Cambridge. At the close of the meeting the subject of the day, if unfinished, will be continued.

12.00 M.--Meetings of Visiting Committees.

1.30 P. M.--By invitation of the Board of Governors of the Harvard Club of Boston, members of the Corporation and of the Board go Overseers will lunch at the Harvard Club.
