

Gives Crew Splendid Send-Off--Captain McCagg Addresses Gathering--Freshman 150--1b, Boat to Race Exeter

All danger of the University crew's rowing tomorrow without M. E. Olmsted '22 was dispelled yesterday when he appeared in his usual seat, seemingly little the worse for the temporary illness which kept him out of the boat on Wednesday. The coaches were greatly relieved when it became definitely known that he could row. His condition and form seemed little affected by his recent disability, and it is confidently expected that the day and a half remaining before the race will bring him back to his usual condition.

Row on Lake Carnegle Today

Today the crews are on Lake Carnegle where they will see their opponents in action in two practices. AT 10.30 o'clock this morning and at 5 o'clock this afternoon, the three University crews will try out their shells in foreign water, the last real practice paddles before the race. Tomorrow morning they will get just enough of a workout to limber them up. The time that the races will be held has not yet been announced.

Hold 1924 Mass Meeting

At an enthusiastic mass meeting last night in the Smith Halls Common Room, the Freshman class established a noteworthy precedent by giving their crew a rousing send-off. In addition to songs and cheers the program included speeches by various crew men. All expressed the appreciation of the crew for the meeting and Captain McCagg of the University crew, said he wished his men could have had such a manifestation to send them off.


A race which is being somewhat eclipsed by greater events is the Freshman 150-pound crew race against Exeter. This eight was also included in the send-off last night.
