

Light and Middleweight Boxers Will Give Exhibition in Smith Halls Quadrangle--Music to Be Furnished by 1924 Orchestra and Saxo Quartet

With an interdormitory boxing contest as the feature of the evening the Freshmen will hold their third and last "Get Together" meeting of the year tonight at 7.15 o'clock in the Smith Halls quadrangle. One man from each hall will be entered in the light and middle weight championships. There will be no heavy weight class.

In the light weight class Isadore Black will represent Gore Hall; Curtis Nelson, Smith; and J. M. Begg, Standish. In the middle weight contest E. A. Rose will box for Gore, Jackson Flanders for Smith, and H. H. Griswold for Standish. The results will not count towards the interdormitory athletic trophy. Mr. D. J. Kelly of the Physical Education Department will referee the matches, each of which will consist of three rounds lasting two minutes apiece.

The 1924 orchestra will play throughout the evening, and musical numbers will also be rendered by Freshmen saxophone and vocal quartets. Further entertainment will be furnished by J. H. S. Moynahan Sp., who will give a specialty dance. The 1924 Entertainment Committee, which is in charge of the meeting, will serve refreshments in the form of the ice cream and cake between bouts.
