8.45.--Daily Chapel: The Reverend Charles Lewis Slattery, D.D., will conduct the services.
9.00. Seniors assemble for picnic on steps of Widener.
3.-5.--Invitation Regatta on Charles.
3.00.--Society of Harvard Dames meeting at Phillips Brooks House.
3.30.--Tennis University vs. McGill and 1924 vs. Browne and Nichols on Divinity Courts.
4.00.--Baseball: University vs. Waseda and seconds vs. Providence on Soldiers Field.
4.30.--Memorial Society picture presentation in Faculty Room of University Hall.
7.30.--Shannon Post elections in Trophy Room of Union.
7.45.--Phillips Brooks House entertainment.
8.15.--Glee Club presents "A Trial by Jury" in Concert Hall.
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