

All Men Except Milers and Two-Milers Will Rest Today in Preparation For I. C. A. A. A. A. Meet--Coach Bingham Makes Final Entries

At the final practice, which was held yesterday afternoon, in preparation for the Intercollegiates, the runners were somewhat hindered by the wet weather, but Coach Bingham put them through their paces in spite of the rain. All the men who are entered in the meet will rest today, except the milers and two-milers, who will have a light workout on the track this afternoon. Trial events in all but the two distance events will be held tomorrow afternoon, and the semi-final and final heats will be held on Saturday. In the field events, all marks made tomorrow will count in the finals.

Although a large list of entries was sent in to the offices of the I. C. A. A. A. A. some time ago, Coach Bingham did not decide until yesterday who the runners would be to represent the University in the games. The list of men who are to run on Friday and the events they are entered in, is as follows:

100-Yard Dash.--Vinton Chapin '23, J. D. Chase '22, C. B. S. Evans '22, E. O. Gourdin '21, R. D. Howard '23, C. H. Wansker '22.

880-Yard Run.--F. G. Bemis '22, H. F. Colt '22, H. B. Davis ocC., A. J. Fox '21, J. A. McCarthy '22.

120-Yard High-Hurdles.--R. W. Fitts '23, C. R. Hauers '23, C. H. Nicoll '23, C. G. Krogness '21, R. S. Whitney '22.


440-Yard Dash.--Richard Chute '22, A. H. Gordon '23, R. N. Johnson '22, J. E. Kennedy '23, Bayard Wharton '22.

220-Yard Low-Hurdles.--G. T. Barker '23, A. H. Gordon '23, R. W. Fitts '23, C. R. Hauers '23, C. G. Krogness '21, R. F. Thayer '23, R. S. Whitney '22.

220-Yard Dash.--Vinton Chapin '23, J. D. Chase '22, C. B. S. Evans '22, E. O. Gourdin '21, R. D. Howard '23, J. E. Kennedy '23, C. H. Wansker '22.

Shot-Put.--J. F. Brown '22, E. O. Gourdin '21, Benoni Lockwood Jr. '22, G. A. Saxton '22, J. R. Tolbert '22.

Pole-Vault.--H. R. Davis '28, Mitchell Gratwick '22, R. W. Harwood ocC., D. D. Reidy '23, T. C. Wales '22.

High-Jump.--H. R. Davis '23, R. W. Fitts '23, W. F. Goodell '21, E. O. Gourdin '21, C. G. Krogness '21, A. K. Murray '23.

Hammer-Throw.--G. T. Barker '23, J. F. Brown '22, G. G. Monks '21, J. R. Tolbert '22.

Broad-Jump.--C. B. S. Evans '22, R. W. Fitts '23, W. F. Goodell '21, E. O. Gourdin '21, C. G. Krogness '21, C. H. Wansker '22.

The entries in Saturday's events are as follows:

Mile Run.--F. G. Bemis '22, H. B. Davis ocC., W. F. Eaton '22, J. A. McCarthy '22, D. F. O'Connell Jr. '21, C. E. Reycroft '21.

Two-Mile Run.--F. G. Bemis '22, D. F. O'Connell Jr. '21, C. E. Reycroft '21
