

Only $120 Has Been Received to Date--At Least $2500 Needed to Finance Trip of Unit, Which Leaves This Country on June 23

Only $120 has been contributed to date for the support of the University section of the American Students' Reconstruction Unit in France this summer. This was announced yesterday by the Executive Committee of the University section. The fourteen members of the University chosen to accompany the Unit to France need at least $2500 to cover the expenses of the trip. And unless this amount is raised by June 1, only a small percentage of the fourteen will be able to go. This group will include a few who can pay their own way and those whom the Reconstruction Association proper may decide to support out of its own funds.

The date of the Unit's departure from this country has been definitely set for Thursday, June 23, although the 28th was also considered. Passage has been engaged on the steamship "Paris" of the French Line, which will sail from New York City. Upon its arrival in France the unit will be subdivided into a number of small groups which will be allotted to different towns and villages between Rheims and Verdun. Mr. Robert E. Buell, Secretary of the Reconstruction Association, sailed early this month to complete arrangements for the work. Although the date for the return of the Unit to the United States has not yet been definitely settled, it is expected that some of the men will be back in this country by September 14 and the rest by the 23rd.
