

D'Wolf, Sanchz, Conover, and Nutt Winners Yesterday--Final Races to Be Rowed Today

The first day of the Invitation Regatta saw six events run off on the Charles yesterday. The preliminary races for schoolboy four-oared crews were divided into two classes, one for the first four oared crews and one for the second. These two races were the most important of the day, deciding as they did the entries for today's final races. Except for these preliminaries all the events yesterday were for single oarsmen.

In the first event, that for the second school fours, Browne and Nichols, rowing a good race, led its nearest competitor by four lengths and crossed the finish line of the half mile course in 3 minutes and 16 seconds. Noble and Greenough was second and Cambridge Latin third.

In the heats for the first schoolboy fours Noble and Greenough came in ahead, winning in 3 minutes and 13 seconds. Cambridge Latin was second and Browne and Nichols reached the finals by the default of the eight it was meant to race.

In the wherry races J. F. D'Wolf '24 came in first with H. B. Noyes '24 in second place:

Only one man reported for the Compromise event and won his medal by default.


Sanchez Wins Junior Singles

In the next event, the Junior Singles, Thorvald Sanchez '24 crossed the finish line in first place with J. H. Conover '23 trailing him.

The latter also won the next event, the Novice Singles, in the time of 3 minutes 36 seconds; he was followed by Newcomb Fuller '24.

C. S. Nutt '24 came up from behind in the Senior Singles over the mile course in the Basin and won the event in 7 minutes 35 seconds. G. A. Spiegelberg 3L. won the other place.

Four events are scheduled for today, chief in importance among which are the finals of the schoolboy four-oared events. The events and the times are as follows:

3.00.--Pair Oars.--John Codman '22 and D. B. Hull 1S.A. B. McK. Henry '24 and R. S. Hubbard Jr. '24.

3.30.--Double Sculls.--G. B. Cabot '23 and A. S. Ellsworth '21; J. H. Conover '23 and C. S. Nutt '24.

4.30.--Second School Fours.--Noble and Greenough, Cambridge Latin, Tabor, Browne and Nichols.

5.00.--First School Fours.--Noble and Greenough, Cambridge Latin, Tabor, Browne and Nichols.
