

First University Eight Covers Mile and Seven-Eighths Course in Last Practice Before Cornell Contest--Two Crews Leave for Henley Races

Coach Haines gave his men their last hard row before the Cornell race over the mile and seven-eighths course yesterday paced by the second Freshmen for the Henley distance and the first yearling eight for the rest of the distance.

Starting off at a very high stroke the University crew averaged 40 for the first minute and gained back the length of handicap which the second 1924 boat had been given at the start. Calling for a spurt at the first third of a mile mark Appleton sent his crew a length into the lead. The spurt was beautifully timed and showed Crew A up to the best advantage. At the Harvard Bridge the University had a quarter of a length of open water behind its stern, with the yearlings rowing at about 32. After the bridge, however, the University stroke dropped while the 1924 boat increased its beat; as a result the second Freshmen gained a little and were only two-thirds of a length behind when the first 1924 boat took up the race. Fresh in the race the yearlings were able to come in three quarters of a length in the lead at the finish line. The University eight, however, showed power and finished in a good spurt.

The Freshmen had little chance to show what they could do but were able to pull away from the veteran crew when they raised their stroke.

The Junior University crew, which, together with the 150-pound crew, will leave for the Henley tomorrow, has been picked and with one possible exception will be seated as follows; Stroke, Matthews; 7, Fuller; 6, Cummings; 5, Pond; 4, Webb; 3, Huiskamp; 2, Bradford; bow, Atkinson; cox., Badger.
