

Boxing Matches Will Feature Final Meeting Tomorrow--Vaudeville and Musical Numbers Planned

The third and last Freshman "Get Together" meeting of the year will be held tomorrow evening at 7.15 in the Smith Halls quadrangle under the management of the 1924 Entertainment Committee. The feature of the meeting will be an interdormitory boxing contest, an entirely unprecedented innoviation. One man will represent each 1924 hall in the light and middle weight championships. There will be no heavy weight class.

The boxing will take place on a platform which will be erected in the middle of the quadrangle. Each bout will consist of three rounds lasting two minutes apiece. Mr. D. J. Kelly of the Physical Education Department will be the referee. The results of the boxing will not count towards the interdormitory athletic trophy.

In addition to the boxing, entertainment will be provided in the form of special vaudeville and musical numbers. The 1924 orchestra will play throughout the evening, while between bouts refreshments will be served.
