

Will Go to Idlewood Park, Wenham, for Celebration--None Allowed to Go Without Uniform--Key Men to Show Skill on Diamond

Weather permitting, the class of 1921 will assemble this morning at 9 o'clock on the steps of Widener for the annual picnic. The Seniors will march in parade formation from the library to Brattle square, and from there they will be taken in trucks to Idlewood Park, Wenham, the scene of the festivities. Members of the class will be allowed cuts for the day.

In order that no outsider may be allowed to share the privileges of the occasion, the Senior Picnic Committee has ruled that no one will be allowed to join the party who does not wear the official uniform of white overalls and a black cap. A pair of blue swimming tights is also included as a necessary part of each man's equipment.

A feature of the picnic will be the playing of an exhibition baseball game by the Phi Beta Kappa men with any nine non-professional players constituting a regular team. It is expected that this contest will put the finishing touches on the Phi Beta Kappa team before its game with the Yale key men on Monday.
