

Clinches Lead by Taking First and Second in Hammer Throw--Avery of Andover Breaks Record in 120 Hurdles

Gaining the deciding points in the last event of the meet, the Phillips Andover Academy track team won the Harvard Interscholastics in the Stadium Saturday with a total of 41 9-20 points. The Phillips Exeter took second place with 32 13-20 points, Worcester third with 17 1-5, and the Allen School fourth with 11.

Until the hammer throw, the last event on the program to be finished, the Andover men were leading their Exeter rivals by only a fraction of a point. But the former took both first and second places in this event, thus clinching the meet.

Avery of Andover was high scorer of the contest, winning both the 120-yard high hurdles and the broad jump. In the former event he established a new Harvard Interscholastic Meet record, covering the distance in 15 3-5 seconds. Colson of the Allen School equalled the present record of ten seconds flat in the 100-yard dash.
