

Today for a few hours those New England alumni who are able to do so will renew their acquaintance with the University of everyday. On the surface, to the older graduates in particular, it will probably seem that times have changed tremendously. Fundamentally, however, undergraduate existence does not vary much from one generation to another. The spirit and outlook of men who are receiving an education are essentially the same year after year.

The alumni who return to Cambridge today will have an opportunity to observe the college both at work and at play; they will find that not only are the old traditions being maintained, but also that some advancement has been made since their day. With their interest rejuvenated by this visit and their knowledge of the college brought up to date, whatever advice or aid they may offer cannot fail to be of assistance to those actively engaged in running the Harvard of today. The cordiality of the welcome accorded these visitors should give them no room for doubt that their support, both practical and moral, is heartily appreciated.
