

Club to Adopt Regular Constitution and Hold Banquet Next Fall

With more than fifty former members of the Phillips Andover Academy present at a meeting held in the Trophy Room of the Union last night, the University graduates of this school completely reorganized the Andover Club and elected the following officers: President, Richard Chute '22 of Boston; vice-president, Mitchell Gratwick '22 of New York City; secretary-treasurer, P. E. Wilson '23 of East Gloucester.

It was decided at the meeting to adopt a regular constitution next fall and to hold a banquet during October or November. Definite plans were also made for entertaining the thirty Andover track men who will be in Cambridge for the Interscholastics this Saturday, thirty University-Andover men being assigned to this task. Each will take care of one schoolboy. In addition it was especially emphasized that as many former Andover men at the University as possible should return to the school for Class Day, June 17.
