The 1924 Jubilee Committee gave out yesterday its final plans for the Freshman Jubilee to be held on Monday, May 30, announcing also the list of patronesses and ushers. The Jubilee program will start at 5 o'clock in the afternoon with concerts in the Smith Halls quadrangle by the Freshman Banjo-Mandolin and Glee Clubs. The interdormitory song contest will take place at 7 o'clock.
In addition to the class song each dormitory chorus will give two selections. Smith Halls will sing "There is a Tavern in the Town" and "Integer Vitae"; Standish Hall "Upidee" and "The Anvil Chorus"; and Gore Hall "The Spanish Cavalier" and "The Pilgrim's Chorus". The order in which the choruses will sing will be determined later by lot.
The list of patronesses is as follows: Mrs. C. C. Barnes of Boston, Mrs. W. C. Baylies of Boston, Mrs. H. S. Bradford of Brookline, Mrs. Addison Brown of New York City, Mrs. F. L. Bullard of Melrose Highlands, Mrs. T. J. Coolidge of Boston, Mrs. G. W. Cram of Cambridge, Mrs. Phillip Gardener of Boston, Mrs. D. C. Bolder of New Orleans, La., Mrs. L. V. Lockwood of Riverside, Conn., Mrs. A. L. Lowell of Cambridge, Mrs. G. S. Mandell of Boston, Mrs. L. B. McCagg of New York City, Mrs. Thomas Newhall of Radnor, Pa., Mrs. A. B. Potter of Boston, Pa., Mrs. A. B. Potter of Boston, Mrs. C. A. Potter of Boston, Mrs. P. M. Reynolds of Readville, Mrs. R. S. Russell of Boston, Mrs. H. D. Scott of Wellesley, Mrs. P. S. Sears of Boston, Mrs. R. C. Storey of Boston, Mrs. N. S. Walker of Dongan Hills, N. Y., Mrs. B. S. Weld of Boston, Mrs. Henry Wheeler of Boston.
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