The Freshman eight will have its second race of the season this afternoon at 5 o'clock meeting the "Tech" yearling crew over the mile and a half course in the Basin.
With two victories, one over Stone School and the other over the third Norton Boat Club eight, to its credit, the M. I. T. crew will race this afternoon well up to the standard of Technology eights. On the other hand, judging from its past record and the form it has shown since the Princeton Regatta, it is not unreasonable confidence to expect that the Crimson will leave the men from down the Charles in the rear before they cross the finish line.
The University Freshmen will, however, be without the services of R. S. Hubbard, who has been at 4 all the season, but who is now being given a rest on account of slight indigestion. J. D. Jameson, whom the coaches consider one of the strongest oarsmen on the squad will take his place; he has already been tried out in the first shell and works in very well.
Practice yesterday in preparation for today's race consisted of a short row with frequent spurts, alternating with paddles at a very low stroke. Coach Howe paying special attention to the in board work, and leg work, striving to perfect the final push with the legs-the biggest aid in making the boat run well between strokes.
Earlier in the afternoon the Gore Hall crew which won the interdormitory championship on Monday will race Middlesex over the half mile straight away upstream, with the odds in favor of the visitors.
The University crew had a long workout again yesterday with the same combination that has been working together during the last week. They are excepting to send these men into an rerigged shell today or tomorrow with Terry stroking from the starboard side and corresponding changes all along the line.
The Junior University and Sophomore Class crews have been rowing together lately and will race on the Basin tomorrow in the final hard row the Sophomores will get before their race against Yale on Saturday.
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