

Second Annual Gymkhana of R. O. T. C. Takes Place Tomorrow--Good Number of Contestants Entered

The second annual gymkhana of the University R. O. T. C. is to be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Commonwealth Armory, Allston. A committee has been elected by members of the Military Science courses, which has complete charge of the arrangements. W. M. Houghton '22 is chairman, and D. B. MacCollom '23 and R. T. Bunker '24 are the other members. Ribbons are offered as prizes in the different events, and for the students winning the highest number of points special prizes will be awarded. The first prize will be a French bridle of the Laumur type; the second prize a pair of spurs; and the third prize a brow-band or a riding crop.

Already a large number of men have signed up for the contest, which includes six events. One of these, an "Indoor Ride," is an example of an afternoon's work in a class in equitation. Two of the events are for teams; the relay race is for teams of four men and one horse, and the mounted wrestling will be between two teams chosen from the unit. Of the other events, the "Musical Stalls" is open to all, while the potato race is for first year men, and the obstacle race is for second and third year men. The University Band will play during the gymkhana.
