

Baker, Chute, McCagg Are Members of Undergraduate Committee from 1922--Chapin Reelected from 1923--Lamont Elected from 1924

The ballots for the election of the Undergraduate Committee of the Union were counted yesterday and the following were declared elected: for 1922: Melville Pratt Baker, of Wellesley Hills; Richard Chute, of Boston; and Louis Butler McCagg Jr., of New York, N. Y.; for 1923: Vinton Chapin, of Boston (reelected); and for 1924: Corliss Lamont, of Englewood, N. J. The election was carried on by postal ballots, which were sent out on Tuesday, May 3, and a record number of votes was cast, 768 men registering their choice as against 450 that voted last year.

The difference in the number of ballots cast by the three classes is due to the fact that some men voted for the nomineees of their class only, and did not fill out the whole ballot. The new committee will hold its first meeting in the Union at 1 o'clock on Friday afternoon; R. K. Kane '22, vice-president of the Union for 1921-1922 will preside. At this meeting plans for next year will be discussed, and the committee members will be assigned to the various departments of House, Restaurant, Membership, Entertainment, and Pool and Billiards, which they will supervise next year.

The tabulated results of the election: 1922 Richard Chute,  495 L. B. McCagg Jr.,  447 Melville P. Baker,  421 John Crocker,  407 H. F. Colt,  306 J. J. Kennedy,  229 Total,  2305 1923 Vinton Chapin,  417 B. deL. Nash,  283 Total,  700 1924 Corliss Lamont,  419 J. J. Lee,  292 Total,  711
