

Hard-Hitting Yearlings Are Improving Slowly--Gherke or Bemis in Box For 1924 Team

Although humbled by Middlesex last Monday, the yearling baseball team that meets cushing Academy at Soldiers Field this afternoon at 4 o'clock is still a hard hitting aggregation, and is slowly cutting down on its errors, which have been the greatest factors in the yearling's defeats so far this season.

K. N. Hill, who fanned thirteen men in the game with Middlesex, will be given a rest today either E. L. Gherke or George Bemis being destined for the 1924 box. R. P. Bulalrd, by his good work on Monday, has gained a regular place on second base, and L. B. Lockwood, who also started at Concord, will be in the right field position.

The line-ups:

1924.--L. f. Cordon; 2b., Bullard; 3b, T. M. Carnegie; c., I. C. Larrabee; l.f., A. S. Rogers; s.s., Percy Jenkins; r.f., I., B. Lockwood; 1b., R. G. Norris; P., E. I., Gherke or George Bemis.

Cushing Academy. L.f., Horton; s.s., Griffith; r.f., Yeatter; 1b., Hutains; c.f., Kneass; 8b., Tayne; 2b., Hittins; c., Ballorck; p., Rogers.
