

The Yale meet is always the test of a successful track season. This year it is far more than that--success at Yale next Saturday means that the reorganization of Harvard track has been a matter of results and not aspirations; that the track team will never again bespoke of the as "poor old Harvard"; and that we need not longer depend on individual stars form preparatory schools for success on the cinder track.

Coach Bingham has said that if every man does what the coaches expect of him we have even chances against Yale, and by that he means every man.--not a few first place winners. The score will be at best so close that a single third place may determine the outcome of the meet.

On every man, then depends not the success of a single track season, but the standing of Harvard in the track world from now on. It is an opportunity for every man to put the Harvard track team where Harvard expects every Harvard team to be,--at the top.
