The University Alumni Association has definitely announced that its book "Harvard's Military Record in the World War" will be sent to press shortly and mailed to subscribers in November. The book will contain the record of the 10,000 University men who served during the war in the Army or Navy of the United States or of the nations associated with this country; and in almost every case the records have been complied from information received from the men themselves. The records will be arranged alphabetically, and there will also be a list of the names of the men arranged by college classes and by departments of the University.
Owing to the generosity of a group of graduates who contributed a fund to cover the cost of compilation and all expenses up to the preparation of copy for the press, which will comprise about 12,000 pages, the price of the book will be only $5. It will be sold only by subscription, and as many copies will be printed as are subscribed for at the Harvard War Records Office, Cambridge, Mass.
The Alumni Association assumed responsibility for the preparation of the book in response to the general desire to preserve the University's military record in permanent form. The arrangement of the book has been determined by the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association and its sub-committee, called the War Records Advisory Committee, consisting of Odin Roberts '86, C. H. Moore '89, and Jeremiah Smith Jr. '92.
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