Major Zinovi Pechkoff, speaking at the Union last night on "Putting Europe Together Again," told of the marvelous reconstruction work which has been going on in devasted France during the last two years.
When the war broke out in 1914,Major Pechkoff volunteered in the Foreign Legion, and ever since that time has been connected with the French Army. His lecture was illustrated with some very interesting sides of railroad stations, viaducts, and steel works in the defasted regions, showing them as they appeared immediately after having been destroyed by the Germans. These slides were followed by views of the buildings as they look today, bearing ample testimony to the immense amount of reconstruction work which has already been accomplished, entirely by former poilus.
In closing, Major Pechkoff particularly emphasized the fact that this work must go on, in order to stabilize economic and industrial conditions in Europe, and that the nations of the world must stand together and see to it that France be brought back to a pre-war basis by the immediate reconstruction of all damaged areas.
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