Byron has said, "Tis pleasant sure to see one's name in print." Something of this feeling must have found its way into the hearts of those undergraduates who are responsible for the latest University publication--"The Aristocrat." To the rest of us, such a form of pleasure may seem to be a rather expensive one; but then, we are not budding geniuses or embryo laureates who will go to any lengths in search of some means of "self-expression". The bourgeoisie can only watch and wonder.
"The Aristocrat", incog., arrived yesterday. The manner of its coming is reminiscent of the lurid red and yellow outbursts of two years ago, when periodical aped periodical, and newsboys screamed themselves hoarse. And like many of them it may come to an inglorious end. The twentieth century has neither the time nor the humor to listen to the echoes of dilettantism from the reign of Queen Anne. But that the editors should have realized before they started on their career as Spectators. At any rate, after all is said and done, these sporadic leaflets at least provide amusement for the college, and help to break the monotony of conventional routine. We should thank them for that.
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