

Professor Leo Wiener to Introduce Noted Russian in the Quiet Room at Eight Tonight

Major Zinovi Peckhoff will speak tonight at 8 o'clock in the Quiet Room of the Union on the subject of "Putting Europe Together Again." The lecture, which will be open to members of the Union only, will be preceded by a dinner given in Major Peckhoff's honor by the Governing Board, to which several members of the Faculty and undergraduates have been invited. Professor Leo Wiener of the Department of Slavic Languages will introduce Major Peckhoff.

Major Peckhoff is the adopted son of Maxini Gorky--who is considered one of the most influential men in Russia today. During the war he served in the French Foreign Legion, and was well known as a courageous and brilliant officer. He lost an arm at the Battle of Arras, and has received the Croix de Guerre, the Medaille Militaire, and other French decorations. Last summer he was in southern Russia, helping to reorganize General Wrangel's army, and is now making speeches on different subjects throughout the United States.
