

Track to Measure 440 Yards With a 220-Yard Straight Away to Be Placed at Farther End of Tennis Courts

Over 200 men, of whom approximately one-third were Freshmen, reported to Coach W. J. Bingham '16 yesterday afternoon, for the opening of the spring track season. Before going out on the track the men were addressed by Coach Bingham and by Dr. D. C. Parmenter '13, who will have charge of the training and physical condition of the men. Mr. Bingham, after speaking briefly on the training rules, discussed the plans for the trip which is to be made during the spring recess. Intensive work for the trip is to begin immediately, and time trials will be held sometime next week, probably either Thursday or Friday. These trials will be in the form of a scratch meet, which anyone on the squad may enter. The thirty men who will go on the trip will be picked from the winners of the events in this meet.

Coach Bingham also announced that the plan used last year, of dividing the men into squad according to the events, would be followed this year. Each squad will meet at a certain time and will be under the direction of a squad captain who will coach the men. Whenever possible recent graduates, who have agreed to assist Coach Bingham, will be on hand to help coach the men in the events which they ran while in college.

To Construct New Track

It has been definitely decided to construct a new running track on Soldiers Field in order to take care of the increased number of men out for track, especially Freshmen fulfilling their athletic requirements, and to give the University runners a place to practice in the fall when the Stadium track cannot be used on account of secret football work.

The new track will be situated at the farther end of the tennis courts; one end will be just inside the Soldiers Field gate facing the Newell boathouse; while one side will border the present Freshman football field. The track will be of the same dimensions as the one in the Stadium, measuring 440 yards and with a 220-yard straight away. Inside the oval will be another football field which will probably be given over to future Freshman teams. Surveying of the track will start immediately, and it is expected that by continuing the work during the summer the University track men will be able to use the new cinder path next fall. The football field, however, will not be completed by this time.
