Knocking one pitcher out of the box fielding almost perfectly, and base-running with daring precision, the University nine crushed Northeastern College 16-4 Saturday afternoon in the opening game of the season. In every inning but two, the fourth and the sixth, the Crimson players scored on their opponents, batting out a total of sixteen hits. In all departments of the game the University men showed splendid form, and Arthur Duffel, coach of the Northeastern nine and sporting editor of the Rosin Post, commenting on the contest said, "Harvard will have another championship team this year. The first game showed that the nine has hardly a weak spot in it."
Nine Runs in First Two Innings
The University scored nine runs in the first two innings of the game hitting Bliss, the Northeastern pitcher, almost at random. But after six tallies had been made in the second Elms took his teammate's place and, till the seventh inning allowed only two University men to cross the plate. In its last two chances at bat, however, the Crimson attack could not be repulsed, and five more runs, one of them a homer by F. W. Crocker'22 came in. The Northeastern scoring occurred in a lump in the third when E. F. Goode '22, who started in the box for the University, temporarily weakened and let in four runs as a result of two hits and a pair of two-baggers. Otherwise Goode's pitching was excellent. He struck out six men, displayed nine control and showed speed unusual for him.
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