

Feature of Day is Annual Cup Races Open to Both Squads

The handicap meet in the Stadium this afternoon with field events starting at 2 and track at 3 o'clock will in a large measure assist Coaches Bingham and Farrell in deciding upon the University entries for the Institute of Technology meet next Saturday and the Yale meet two weeks from today. These entries will be announced at the beginning of next week. All the University track men were given a vacation from practice yesterday and should be in tip-top condition for this afternoon's events, which Freshmen will also be allowed to enter. Owing to the fact that the 1924 runners participated in the stiff interdormiory meet yesterday, all those who take part in the meet today will be released from practice Monday.

The feature of today's meet will be the Annual Cup Races open to all members of the University and Freshman squads. All of these are handicap events except the scratch 220-yard dash for the L. P. Dodge '08 Cup, the handicap races being the 100-yard dash for the W. R. Mansfield '07 Trophy, the mile run for the Frank Wells '64 Cup, and the 440 for the S. G. Wells '86 Cup.
