The competitions for the Business and Photographic Departments of the Freshman Red Book, started March 11, ended last night with the election of ten men to each department. Kenneth Anthony Shaw Safe of Newport, R. I. and Wolcott Balestier Dunham of New York City won the competitions for the Business and Photographic Departments respectively, both automatically becoming sub-chairman. The other nine men elected to the business end are:
John Leonard Backer of Chicago, Ill.; John Carroll Buchanan of Boston; Lawrence Barton Damon of Brookline; Walter J. Fried of Lawrence, L. I., N. Y.; John Peabody Monks of Boston; Louis Rhodes Nicholas of Brookline; Henry Kimbal Prince of Short Hills, N. J.; Eugene St. Rose Regnal of New York City; Richard Arthur Zinn of New York City.
Besides Dunham the following nine men were chosen for the Photographic Department; Seymour Piran Edgerton of West Castelton, Vt.; Henry Lathrop Gilbert Jr. of Columbus, O.; Francis Sherburne Hill of Brookline; Kenneth Noyes Hill of Roslindale; Howard Hahn Jacobson of Toledo, O.; Jackson Steward Lincoln of New York City; Darragh Louderback of Highland Park, Ill.; Eliot Furness Porter of Hubbard Woods, Ill.; John Cowles White of New Britain, Conn.
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