The annual meeting of the Harvard Teachers' Association will begin tomorrow morning at 9.45 with a business meeting in Sanders Theatre. Conferences and the annual dinner of the Association will complete the program. The general topic for discussion this year will be "The Progressive Movement in Education", different phases of which will be discussed by Dr. Harold O. Rugg, of the Lincoln School of Teachers College, Mr. Eugene R. Smith, Headmaster of the Park School of Baltimore, and by Professor A. Duncan Yocum of the University of Pennsylvania. At the dinner which will follow the conference at 1 o'clock, Mr. Frank V. Thompson, superintendent of schools in Boston, will act as toastmaster, and Mr. Arthur E. Morgan, president of Antioch College, and Dean Wallace B. Donham '98 of the Graduate School of Business Administration will speak. Contrary to announcement, Mr. Frank. A. Vanderlip will not be able to address the meeting. About 200 persons have already signified their intention of attending.
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