

Miss Ruth Draper to Present Program On May 4

Miss Ruth Draper, prominent in America, England, and France as a monologuist, will give a recital at 8.15 o'clock Wednesday evening, May 4, in the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall under the auspices of the Departments of Music and Fine Arts and the "47 Workshop". Tickets for the performance may be obtained at $1.50, $1.00, or 75 cents (all plus the war tax) at Amee Brothers' Bookstore, Harvard Square.

Miss Draper gave recitals in England with great success during the past summer, and has been touring the United States this winter. During the war she did notable work in France in entertaining the soldiers of the Allied armies. Her program for the next Wednesday will be composed of the following seven imitative monologues:

1, A German Governess; 2, A Debutante; 3, A Class in Greek Poise; 4, Love in the Balkans; 5, On the Porch in a Maine Coast Town; 6, A French Actress: 7. In a Railroad Station on the Western Plains.
