Anyone who has spent the last five or six weeks endeavoring the locate those who have the authority of renting rooms in Randolph, Dunster and Apthorp House will understand what an inefficient and apparently discourteous attitude those agents take towards the would-be applicant. Indeed, it is strange that these dormitories which stand high in undergraduate estimation should seemingly have passed so completely out of the hands of the college. Men applying for rooms in college dormitories under the Bursar's jurisdiction can always be sure of courteous and careful attention. Slipshod indifference, however, seems to be they keynote in dealing out the rooms of three of the best dormitories in college.
As an example, men who failed to get rooms are told by those in authority that the list given out for publication is wrong; that there is some mistake; that if they will drop around in a day or two the mix-up will be straightened out. And so the applicant "drops around" only to find that the one in charge is not there. Irregular office hours and "passing the buck" seem to be the law of the room assigners. Surely something can be done to insure the student against such unfair treatment and to bring about co-operation among the men renting dormitories, the college and the undergraduate.
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