Beginning today a limited number of the tennis courts on Jarvis Field and all the courts on Holmes Field may be reserved by members of the University only for not more than one hour between 1 and 7 o'clock. Since no reservations will be made at the fields themselves, all men desiring to take advantage of this new ruling should sign up for courts at the office of the Hemenway Gymnasium between 9 and 12.30 o'clock on the day they wish to play. The few courts remaining unreserved at Jarvis Field will be given over to the first arrivals as previously.
Owing to the great demand for courts no person or combination of persons can be permitted to reserve a court or courts for more than one hour per day. Doubles courts can be reserved only for doubles play. A reservation ticket calling for a particular court will be issued at the time of application, but this ticket will be absolutely void unless presented at the designated court within five minutes of the hour named. Any abuse of the reservation privilege will be penalized, probably by black-listing both as to further reservation of courts and as to ticket applications.
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