

Eight Men Will Be Chosen to Go to Red Top With Crews

All men who wish to go to Red Top at waiters with the University and Freshman crews must sign up at Leavitt and Peirce's before Monday evening, May 2, according to an announcement issued yesterday by the crew management. A blue book will be placed there in which all men must sign, whether or not they have previously made application to the manager.

As announced yesterday the plans call for eight men to make the trip. They will be expected to leave Cambridge with the crews about June 5, will be given their fares to New London, their food and lodging, and $10 as pay for their work. They will be expected to stay at Red Top until the morning of June 25 and must be certain at the time they sign up that if chosen they will be able to make the trip and stay with the crews during the entire time. The eight men finally picked will be notified of their selection by May 11.

Final examinations during the period will be taken under College supervision at New London under the same arrangement by which the men on the crews are enabled to take their examinations away from College.
