

Tigers Have Hand Winning Streak, Defeating Three Teams, While Yale Has Won Only One Game, and Lost Three--Princeton Pitchers Weak

While the University ball team was taking its southern trip, Yale and Princeton have been rounding into form at home. Princeton played and won three games, with a total of 24 hits and 10 runs. The batting of Botting and Weiser has been consistently good, the former getting six hits out of 11 trips to the plate. Margetts has been doing most of the pitching and is the only first-class pitcher on the team, Thomas and Jefferson being too easily disconcerted. Coach Clarke has had some trouble in selecting a third baseman. Gilroy the former Exeter player, started the season like a regular but since that time has dropped off so much in hitting and fielding that he has been replace by Keyes who is a more consistent player. McNamara and McIllvane are playing right and left field in major league style, each one hitting about 260 consistently.

Yale has played four games, suffering three defeats. Their one victory was over Pennsylvania 4-2, Holy Cross crushed them 14-1 and New Haven, Eastern League Championship, team defeated them twice for the championship of the city, 8-4, 6-4. Yale made a total of thirty-one hits and thirteen runs in these four games, showing they are a hitting team. Their fielding has been below par and fumbling has been prevalent and has been responsible for the large scores made against them. Kernan and Aldrich have been doing the most consistent hitting, each of them getting 6 hits and 3 runs in the last four games. The team has a wealth of pitchers in Coxe, Selleck, Lazurus and Robinson, all of whom have had some experience and are much above the average college pitcher, having records for steady good work all season. Captain Peters is now back in the game, having been out on account of an injured arm, acquired in the South Carolina game. Third base is also a sore spot in Yale's lineup. Hickey appeared to cover it at the beginning of the season but has deteriorated in his playing to such an extent that Kelley, captain of last year's freshman team, and Tommy Jones. Tad's brother are now fighting neck and neck for the position. The outfield is not hitting as it should and Hickey and been started in several games in right field replacing Eddy. Slogan has evidently just gotten over a bad batting slump as he got two hits in the last game played. Coach Lauder is shifting his men around with the expectation of getting a winning combination.
