

Would Include Records of Five Major University Sport Teams for Last Half Century--Now Sounding Out Graduates on Question

If the demand justifies publication, the Varsity Club will issue a 400-page volume, the "H" Book of Harvard Athletics", to contain an illustrated history of the athletic teams that have represented the University, chiefly against Yale, in the five major sports--crew, baseball, football, track and hockey. The names of 2000 graduates have been selected at random and with 700 members of the Varsity Club will receive communications dealing with the proposed volume. A subscription blank will accompany each letter; and if the returns from this test are favorable, the publications committee, of which G. B Morison '83, president of the Varsity Club, is chairman, will go ahead with its plans and circularize the entire alumni body of the University.

The volume, if printed, will include the records of the University teams, special historical articles by experts, together with a summary of the five major sports from their beginning. For illustrations there will be approximately 200 group pictures of major teams in the period that covers the era in which athletics have been an important factor in college life. The main object of the committee in preparing the book is to give a complete and unified story of the University's half century or more; to preserve in permanent form, for the use of graduates and others, an important chapter in the life of the college.
